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Tuesday, January 25, 2005 

Thinking about food

It's 5:00 PM, I have one class left before I go home. Today was a pretty great day. My class that is usually completely evil wasn't completely evil today. I think it has something to do with the fact that I scared one of the boys by smacking him on the arm (spanking and such is okay here) and he went around whispering to all the other students...it's funny, but they were all really quite good after that.

So the school cooks lunch everyday for us. And I've found that me and Korean food aren't best friends. It's really because so much is based on or includes fish, fish parts, seafood, etc. I always ask "What's that?" because in a country that eats squid, octopus, and dog, I'm never going to take a risk. Today though, they made THE most amazing chicken soup. Oh my goodness...it was wonderful. Right now all I can think about is what I'm going to eat for dinner.

Here's a bit of detail about my school schedule. I have a kindergarten and grade 1 class that meets 5 days a week. I also have two grade 4 classes and one grade 6 class - they all meet three times a week. This is also the last week of "Winter Intensive" which is 100 minutes in the mornings. Right now I get to school around 9:30 AM and leave around 6:45 or 7:15 PM. After Winter Intensive is over (next week) I'll be coming in around 11:30 and leaving at the same time. Not a big difference, but it'll help dramatically with my sleeping, and for my poor dog.

I need to go finish planning for my upcoming class...will write more tomorrow!

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