Sometimes Blogging Stresses Me Out
I couldn't fall asleep last night (which has been the norm for me lately) and so I was laying there thinking of a few things I wanted to mention in my next post. Then I just started thinking - where is the line? There are some things that aren't appropriate or proper to talk about. Certainly I could say anything I want to - nothing physically restrains me - but what is worth saying? I've become quite talented at relaying all the mundane (but new and foreign) day-to-day activities and events of my life, but I do a poor job of conveying much more than that. And lately there's much that can't be conveyed, for a whole variety of reasons. Sometimes (like now) I think blogging is a clever way for people to feel important - with certainly no offense meant towards anyone but myself. When this is the only source of information people have about my life, as it is for most of my family and friends, it makes me sad that they may know my schedule but not my heart. And my heart has been undergoing some significant changes as of late. But again, due to a variety of reasons, not all of these changes can be shared. I'm sure everyone has read blogs where the blogger shares too much - when they put private information up in a pretty public area. I don't want to be like that. I had an experience a few weeks ago that was strikingly similar to something out of a movie (if a movie could be made about little stupid dreams of mine coming true) but I can't share it here because of how it is related to another area of my life that is, as of this moment, unsettled.
And beyond just what is too private to be shared, what about what is appropriate or not? For example, is it appropriate for me to share that I have found out the way to get my sixth grade boys to behave? Yesterday was warmer than it has been lately and I wore a regular shirt of mine with a light jacket, rather than a sweatshirt or a big bulky jacket like I usually wear. From the stares I got, you'd have thought the boys didn't know that breasts existed - and that they certainly didn't know I had any. And it's not like I was wearing something inappropriate or showing cleavage or any such thing. It's just that I wasn't wearing three layers like usual. But see, is that appropriate to share? I don't know.
Is it appropriate to talk about the fact that I'm experiencing life without the help of psychiatric medication (zoloft) for the first time in over a year? This is a big part of my life - I struggled with grief, depression, and obsessive-compulsive tendencies for quite some time. And I'm no longer on the medication - but is that information too private to share?
I need to clarify: I'm not appealing to any one person's idea of what is appropriate. I have my own personal standards and ideals, which are based on an objective standard. I've been studying about biblical womanhood and godly femininity lately, and I suppose this all has to do with that. It's not that either of the previous topics would require me to not discuss breasts or psychiatric medication, the question I am thinking over is whether this is an appropriate medium in which to share them. And though I obviously have, in fact, shared them, I'm still not sure.
Anyway, I have more to say (imagine that) but I also have a class in five minutes. Ah yes, before I forget - I'm getting internet in my apartment tomorrow - so I'll probably be blogging more and I'll definitely be online more.
Whoo hoo! To the internet part mostly, but some goes to the zoloft-lessness (my new word for the day) and the breasts, too. Maybe it's just that they've never seen AMERICAN breasts? :)
Love ya!
Posted by
Jen |
2:06 AM
I just want to say, I know where you are coming from with your concerns on the blog, but I am absolutely thrilled to read these! It's the only glimpse I get of you and I love everything you write because it is all so you! Sometimes when I'm reading it, I imagine you sitting there talking to me and that makes me happy! And, I think you share a lot from your heart and maybe you just don't see it. I can tell how much happier and at peace you are here than you were in your previous land! We want to know about your life or we wouldn't be reading this blog! Keep going, you're doing a great job!
Love, Stupid Moment Girl
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:23 AM
I love reading your blogs about your everyday life. Perhaps a hand written journal would be best for your most intimate thoughts, then you could look back at a later date to measure your growth. Be proud of your breasts...those poor asian boys, where everything is small, and now you just increased their fantasy levels. Stay strong, have boundaries for yourself then reveal as much about yourself that is comfortable. Listen to your guts...
Love, Your Georgia Mom
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:51 AM