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Monday, January 31, 2005 

Good news and better news

Many thanks to my darling and wonderful sister Jennifer (AKA, Lady Leaess), who signed on as a member of this blog. She fixed the template the other day when I was too stupid to figure out how to do it. Your help is much appreciated! :)

Sorry it's been awhile since I last posted. The way it works here is that the Korean teachers give us (the native teachers) monthly plans for each of our classes, and then we are responsible for each daily plan, and have to turn in two weeks at a time. I was in a bit of a rush doing that, and didn't have much time for anything else.

In other VERY exciting news...my dear dear friend Melissa has been hired to work at my school! That's right, ladies and gentlemen....Korea just got a WHOLE lot better! (Not that it was necessarily bad...just now it's much better.) She should be getting here in about a week or so, and I'm so thrilled about it I don't even know how to say it! (And you all know by now I'm never short on words.) I was just hoping she might be in the same country as me...or even in a nearby country, which would be much closer than the States. But God, in His remarkable and constantly amazing providence, worked it so that we'll be at the same school and living in the same apartment building! Very exciting!

I also really love my church here. It's the English ministry of this huge church that has three or four campuses throughout the Seoul area. There were about 200 people at the service yesterday morning, and (as the pastor points out so often) the vast majority of them are young and single (and the majority of aforementioned majority are English teachers). I'm also in a class about missions - yesterday was my first time, and I had a delightful time. I have much more to say (imagine that...) but I have a class in five minutes, so I'm going to go. I'll try to write more either later today or tomorrow.

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