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Monday, January 31, 2005 

SO funny!

The story one of my fourth grade classes is reading includes a reference to a family eating hot dogs on Wednesday night. I know it should have, but it honestly didn't occur to me that my students would take it to be a reference to really warm or really spicy dog sausages. But surely enough...when I asked them what a hot dog was, they all started laughing and this is how the dialogue went:

Student 1: "It's a...it's a.....really - ah...really " (acts out wiping forehead as in being hot)
Student 2: "Yeah...yeah - Ahhhhh" (wipes forehead also) "and....ARF ARF!"

And they all know my dog's name...so they were like, "Ah!! Daive...so hot! So hot!" When I finally got them calmed down (all the above was screamed and/or yelled at me) and explained that hot dogs are made out of beef or pork (not explaining what PARTS of the animal it may contain) they were completely disgusted! So funny to me...

This, from children who eat octopus, squid, and seaweed (and God knows what else) on a regular basis. Interesting.

This, from children who eat octopus, squid, and seaweed (and God knows what else) on a regular basis. Interesting.


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