In a not-so-great mood (again - sorry)
I was in a relatively low mood earlier today, due to around three reasons. The first one is silly, one of my friends at work said something jokingly (I think) and it squashed my feelings. There was no way for him to know how seriously the issue he was joking about is to me, and so it's not his fault at all, but yeah...not a pleasant moment. The other one is serious - has to do with missing my mom, generational sin/strongholds and such. It's too personal and too heavy to get into here. The other one, I don't even know why it bothers me. My birthday is this Thursday and for some reason I'm really sad about the fact that I'll be here. This makes no sense for a whole variety of reasons. First, birthdays haven't ever really been a huge deal to me. Second, one would think spending Christmas in a not-so-Christian country would be far more devastating...(and it was difficult, but not horrible) but the birthday issue is far worse so far. Third, Melissa is here now, so I have a friend (a very close and wonderful friend, even) to spend it with, rather than only spending it with people I've known about two months. But realistically, I'm not sure if it should bother me either way. It's just a day, really. I actually think Christmas was still a new experience, I hadn't been away that long, everything was still new. I'm not sure if the theory holds any water, seeing as how it's only been two-ish months since then. Whatever. Two other teachers at my school have birthdays in March and one had one last week, so we're going out (on Thursday, actually) for this big joint party/dinner thing. That should can finish the sentence however you'd like: fun, awkward, interesting, tasty, scary, etc. It will definitely be an experience.
Tomorrow (technically, today) is a holiday here. It is to commemorate the beginning of the movement to gain independence from Japan. I believe it happened in 1919, and it was the first organized uprising, and (so far as I can remember) it was a disaster. Many, many people died. Korea only gained it's independence when Japan was bombed by the U.S. during WWII. Nonetheless, there's no school tomorrow, which is good. I'm going to sleep in (to make up for the little sleep I got due to excitement this past weekend). On that note, I'm off to bed.
One more thing. I'm trying to decide if I want to keep growing out my hair or cut it all off again. This is such an unimportant decision in the big scheme of things, and it's not the actual decision that I'm having a hard time with. I'm just wondering if anyone would be willing to give me their opinion on the matter. It's down to my shoulders now, which I know isn't long at all, but is substantial for me. I've done this grow-it-out-cut-it-off cycle for the past two or three years, and I'm trying to decide if I should break the cycle and let it grow out, or go with the cycle. Just curious if anyone would actually be willing to help me out with what they think on this (oh-so insignificant and unimportant) matter. Night all!
Why grow hair when the longer it is, the longer it takes to fix it...Just cut it. It will always grow back..... :) GA mom
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:52 AM