The dog is eating cat poop from the litter box. (Well, not anymore...I stopped her. But she was. And that's just gross.) I just cut myself on a can of tuna. I gave myself a huge knot at work running into who-knows-what. I found out today that a new teacher might not arrive until July 10 or 11, which means we'll be working 10-12 hour days until then. (There is a male teacher that could leave tomorrow and start next week, but the school won't really consider him because he's a guy. And they have some reasons which are obviously valid to them, but I disagree entirely.) My class of sixth grade boys as as bad as they usually are, though they were so creative as to add a new element of disrespect and utter disregard for what I say by actually laughing a few times after I gave instructions. The cat still won't let me sleep past 6:30-ish AM. And until I have realized the futility of attempting sleep, he amuses himself by attacking various parts of my body, particularly my face. (And I sleep with a sleep mask on because I cannot stand light, so the attacks have an added element of surprise and "Oh my gosh, I hate this cat.") I realized I had taught one of my classes for two weeks out of the wrong book (I only have them once a week, so it was only two times - but STILL). I don't care what anyone says, I know that crying doesn't actually solve problems, but it lets me let off steam - and at this point, if no steam is let off/out, I might spontaneously combust. Or something.
When it rains, it pours.
Posted by
Christie |
1:54 AM
Combustion....WOW...what would that do to the cat when he is on your face? GA Mom
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:52 AM
^ We used to call them "kitty crunchies" at the vet I worked at. It's definitely a dog thing, but it still disgusts me. (One time a chihuahua came in who had spent a LONG time at the kitty buffet and the vet I worked for had to pull ONE entire cup of sand/litter from it's colon. So gross.)
Posted by
Teresa |
12:53 PM