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Sunday, October 09, 2005 

I haven't had a cat for long enough to speak for him as I would for Daive. But I do know enough to know that whatever is going through his kitty mind right now is probably not nice. It's an incredibly clear picture though...he's such a cute kitty. I've grown incredibly fond of and attached to him in the past week. Of course that hasn't kept me from laughing at him trying to navigate with the e-collar on (short for elizabethan collar, by the way, assuming I'm remembering that correctly) and taking quite a few pictures of him in it to let the moment last forever. As many animals as I've seen wear e-collars, it never loses the humor. Good stuff. It's funny, he gave up trying to get it off, but he still wants to clean himself, so he'd position himself and then just lick the inside of the collar over the part of himself he wanted to clean...funny stuff. We go to the vet in the morning, and I'm hoping he's going to take out the stitches so he can stop wearing this silly thing. Makes life much more difficult for all of us.

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