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Tuesday, March 15, 2005 

Kimbop (NOT the Hanson song)

I haven't had much to share except that time is flying by, school is going well, and if life keeps on like this, my year here will be over before I even realize. But then tonight, the native/foreign* teachers all went out for dinner at this Koren restaurant. Kylie and Donovan took a menu when they were there once and got one of the Korean teachers to translate it for them. So we went in and actually knew what we were ordering. We got some kimbop** to share, and I got some clear noodles with veggies. SO good! Amazing, even! And I found out that I LOVE LOVE LOVE tuna kimbop. This is very good news for a few reasons: it's quite healthy, Korean food , and SUPER cheap. You buy it in rolls, and they slice it (the slices are what look like sushi) and each roll of it is 2,000 won (2 bucks). You can actually get plain kimbop (only veggies, no meat) for 1,000 won a roll. So I think I might have providentially stumbled upon the thing that will sustain me while in this country. So exciting!

*Foreign/native teachers: We're considered "foreign" in that we're white and NOT from Korea, but considered "native" in that we're all native speakers of English. I use both terms somewhat interchangably to refer to all of us white people.
**Kimbop: looks like sushi, but not. Rice, meat , a few small veggies, rolled up in this seaweed stuff (the dried version I like, I think I might have mentioned it fairly recently). The seaweed stuff is damp though, to stick together and, perhaps more importantly, not break, and it has a less-than-pleasant-but-not-quite-nauseating aroma when it's damp.

Sounds yummy. Maybe, when you return state side you can open up a kimbop stand. I'll try it at least once...

Awesome, the article for my friend. I am little singer & love song. Personally I most like English song. All time I download English in this site http://www.downloadnewenglishsong.com/.
This most popular site for English song download and lessen.
I am impressed on this site about her large song list.

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