Remember my food processor?
I was SO excited about it. Now, one of two things have happened. Either I'm ignorant of how to use said food processor, or it's one of the most disappointing purchases I've ever made. I was particularly looking forward to doing less chopping of veggies and such. So far, every vegetable I have put into the thing has turned into a watery mushy near-soup puddle. I've tried putting a lot in, I've tried putting in just a little. Onions are the only thing it's really useful for. After a successful processing experience with the onions, I thought I'd try to chop up the rest of the orange and red peppers I had. Disgusting, soupy mush worthy only of the garbage. Have I told you how garbage works here? There's no tax for garbage collection, instead, you have to buy these special garbage bags (which are, necessarily, rather expensive). Recycling is huge here, which is a very good thing. And there's a blue garbage can outside for food waste. So the only thing that goes in the expensive garbage bags is really paper waste. Okay, so I knew if I poured the watery pepper-goo into a bag to carry down to the food waste can, it would leak all the way down the stairs. So, I threw into the toilet - a common move for small pieces of food waste. I forgot about the removable blade in the processor bowl, and it fell right out and into the toilet. Thank you very much. Worse still, I had to stick my hand in, amidst the pepper goo, and fish around for the blade - which is not smart considering how sharp the thing is (I've cut myself on it at least three times already). All's well that ends well - washed it with antibacterial soap in scalding water and then stuck it in boiling water just to be safe. But still, when I do things like that (as I do every day, to varying degrees) I just wonder, "Who let me try to be an adult?"
Ha! You must remember that our culinary training as we grew up invovled macaroni and cheese (boil, drain, milk, butter), biscuits from a can, and meatloaf. You're still alive, though, so you're obviously doing something right. Don't let that machine whip you! And don't drop the blade in the toilet again-EW!
Posted by
Jen |
2:23 AM