Happy Birthday Haley!
Thank you for sharing - I'm an idiot though, and posted my semi-pathetic plea for opinions on the wrong post. What I really am most curious to hear opinions on is about the idea of living in the world and finding sin foreign and offensive. The thing Scougal said, which I've yet to locate so I can share, reminded me of how I viewed the dog market. But at this point my thoughts are so muddled, and the whole thing is just sort of over, so I'm going to move on.
A very important announcement - today (at this moment in Korea AND the States) it is dear, wonderful, fabulous Haley's birthday. Happy Birthday Haley! I called her this morning before school and talked to her for less than five minutes - the quick and cheesy "It's your birthday already in Korea!" thing. (Though technically not.)
So there seems to be this phenomenon called by a variety of names - yellow dust, yellow sand, China dust, etc. I've yet to really get to the bottom of it - I do know that it is dust from China (hence the name). Not pollen, I don't think - if I understand correctly, and I'm nearly certain I don't. Anyway, everyone is supposed to wear the not-surgical-masks-but-similar things tomorrow. Kylie and Donovan had to get masks because they've both been pretty sick, and their doctors made them. I suppose this just shows my pride, cause it'll take me being pretty sick to put one of those on. Lots of people around here wear them though, and the pollution here is pretty bad - very smogy.
Have you ever had a really clear picture (of the mental sort) of yourself at a time when you knew that you just looked entirely ridiculous? I could go on and elaborate about the feelings of foolishness, but I'm sure you get my point. Well, I have been feeling like that lately. It's only now warm enough to wear short-sleeved shirts at work without a jacket, and so covering my tattoos has only now become an issue. The method of choice has been these delightful pink wristbands that Melissa brought for me when she came over (so nice of her). The first day, a few of my students asked me questions about them, and I think one or two might have even laughed at me. But now it's just a given - I wear wristbands. I have to keep up the "wristbands are cool" facade in the classroom, or else my students (the younger ones climb all over me like a jungle gym) would pull them off in a heartbeat, but I still feel pretty dumb. I only have the one pair right now, but luckily I've found them at a few stores around here. Sadly, it'll probably get to the point where they are color-coordinated. But you gotta do what you gotta do. That's all. I'm tired - Melissa and I had dinner together in her apartment tonight and then had a ridiculously fun time playing with make-up. It sound silly, and it was towards the end. We took a few pictures. Not sure if any of them are blog-sharing material, but you'll know if they are. I feel like I'm making no sense at all tonight. I need sleep. Good night.
Those pictures definitely sound like they would be good for sharing!
Posted by
Christie |
12:18 AM