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Monday, August 22, 2005 

Today was the last day of the summer intensive. We had time for games, and then each class presented a skit in English. Each class had to pick a theme, from the book we went through, and then make up a skit about it. My class chose dessert. We were the Yummy Dessert Factory. The skit consisted of me (the boss) telling our audience what amazing desserts we made and what a great factory it was, then each time someone on the "dessert assembly line" got it wrong (peanut butter instead of ice cream, hot sauce instead of whip cream, etc.). In the end, I got splatted in the face with a plate of whip cream which...to be honest...was my favorite part of the whole thing. Though I did feel slightly silly when the Korean teacher asked them afterwards (in front of everyone still) whose idea it was to splat me in the face with whip cream and they were all, "It was HER idea!" I felt rather sheepish. So, Korean culture is huge on respecting elders. To get them to agree to splat me in the face with whip cream required a discussion about how I'm American, not Korean, and how it's different. I had to reassure them countless times that I was okay with it, that I wanted to do it, and thought it was funny (they did too, I didn't make them, I swear). Afterwards, all four of the students in my skit surrounded me and kept on asking, "Are you okay? Are you okay?" Of course I'm okay...I'm just covered in whip cream! Ah...but it was fun. They took pictures, and I asked them today if they would send them to all of us teachers. Not only was the skit humorous, but the points we got from the skit combined with the points from the English word game earlier made us the winners of the day! Yay for first place! (I could totally be one of those parents.) I now have a stylish cute pink bag that matches four of my fourth grade girls. And yet another high point of the day is that it was the last day of the intensive. Now my teaching hours will go back to a manageable level and I might actually be able to accomplish the work I need to get done. We'll see. And since I vowed to myself that I wouldn't do any work tonight, I sat and figured out how to do expandable post summaries (a big feat for someone like myself). Now I'm going to go back to my book. Night all!

Edit: Anyone know how to take off the "And on and on and on" part on all other posts? Blogger help said that part was an exercise for the individual blogger to figure out. Help, please?

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