Back by popular demand...
But that makes me sound arrogant. There are simply at least two or three people interested enough in my life that have asked what is going on with the job situation. But before I get to that, allow me to introduce you to the hilarity that is my sister. In an email to her I mentioned something about being tired of hearing all the Chairman Kimisms. She IMed me and said that my choice of words made her think of "Kimunism." That IM made me laugh till I nearly wet myself. Then today when I opened up my computer there was a message from her saying that her friend (also named Jen) said I should change the name of this blog to "Chairman Kim, not for me."
With that said, allow me to illuminate you as to where I am with the job. It's a little place called indecision. Friday night I was looking online for a new job. Sunday I made an extensive pros/cons list of staying vs. going. I had pretty much decided to turn in my notice soon, but made the unusually wise rule that I must wait at least 2 weeks before I turn in my notice. Since then (that is, since SUNDAY) I have decided to stick it out as long as possible, and then today, again decided I should quit. Quitting though, will take time. If I do decide to quit, I'll have to give at least a month's notice. And since I can't turn in my notice for another week and a half, that puts any possible last day almost six weeks away.
Besides that, I cried at work on Friday. I teared up the Friday before. And the thing is, Koreans don't get and cannot begin to fathom the idea of crying for any reason other than being sad. They do it on occasion, I'm sure, but just don't get it. I tried to explain _____ (insert exaggeratedly high number here) times that I was crying because I was frustrated, and for no other reason. They didn't get it. In fact, one of the Korean staff called me a baby. She said it in Korean, perhaps thinking I wouldn't understand, but when I told her such a comment wasn't exactly helpful, she laughed it off like she didn't mind. Arg. Sometimes Korea makes me want to pull out my hair.
So I'm looking for a job. Looking for a job and keeping my options open. And slowly going crazy? A possibility.
In other news, I a few small parts of my floor the other night with these antibacterial wipes they sell at Costco. Little did I know...these things have made these few spots on the floor so slippery! I watched both the cat and the dog hit these spots and wipe out, and I would chuckle, from where I sat safely on the bed reading. Let me just tell you, it wasn't nearly as funny when I did the slapstick arms-waving thing halfway across the room trying to keep from falling on my hind end. And I don't know how to fix it. I'm afraid it'll just get worse if I clean it with something else. And if it gets worse, I'll have to attach sandpaper to all of my socks and seriously, that would just be difficult to explain.
Need to go to bed. Gotta be at my job at 8:30 in the morning to catch the bus to the kindergarten. Arg again.
Just wanted to let ya know I'm praying for ya and thinking of you. When you hate your job, it pretty much ruins the rest of your life (I know, I've been there). Incidently...I keep missing your phone calls because my phone is broken on silent and I can't ever hear you calling. You should call me tomorrow morning, I don't have to go to work until ya!
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:08 AM
You should definitely quit. You sound really miserable, and if you're crying at work, you're probably really stressed. And stress can effect your health. So get out before it negatively effects your health and mental state.
Posted by
Wendy |
12:09 PM