Today has been a very weird day for me. I think it was the fruit loops I had for breakfast. I haven't eaten fruit loops in literally years, but got a craving for them when I was shopping for groceries a few days ago. Since I had them this morning (morning being a very loose term to describe when I woke up) nothing has been right.
I still don't have internet in my apartment, and probably won't ever have it, since I'm moving in a matter of weeks. I spent all of the day inside, and just now decided I was feeling a bit pent-up and needed to head out. Well, that and I had a few things worth sharing.
First, I feel oddly shaky and sick (I'm gonna blame it on the fruit loops).
Second, my cat bites his nails (he only has back claws). I've known this for awhile and might have even mentioned it before. I only mention it now because he was doing it tonight in my very quiet apartment and it was making an awful noise.
Third, the backspace key is in a bad place on this keyboard (in a PC room) so I'm having a rather unpleasant time. And knowing that the backspace key is hard to get to is having a psychological effect on me and causing me to make far more mistakes than I normally would.
Fourth, about the ban on liquids in your carry-on. I understand the importance of it, but all I can think is, "How am I supposed to survive a 12-14 hour flight with no lotion???" Of course I can go 12 hours w/o it like when I'm asleep or something, but I certainly won't be asleep for the whole time. And when I'm awake and in a confined space with little to do (like, for example, a plane) I put lotion on much more than normal.
Fifth, I feel even more shaky and sick than I did when I typed "first," and feel far too much like I did when I had food poisioning those few months ago. I won't get sick again, I won't!
Okay, I had a bit of a time-out while I perused some websites, and I'm feeling a lot less sick and shaky now. I'm sure you were all on the edge of your seats. :)
Okay, bored enough now. Can return to my apartment with no (or little, anyway) danger of losing my mind. Night, everyone.
Right on about the liquids! I get travel sick and the only way I can avoid it is by taking 2 Ginger pills when I board the plane. Now I have to find a water fountain before boarding. Watch it be on the other side of the terminal!
Have a safe journey and enjoy your vacation!! :)
Posted by
Jennifer |
4:28 AM
By the way, I do believe that it's spelled "Froot Loops"....just so ya know. Cam corrected me a month or so ago, and now I'm passing it along to you...feel the love? :)
Posted by
Jen |
3:47 AM
^^ Yeah, I'm kinda hoping you can buy liquids from the stores behind the security line. But then again, that would make things far too easy. *sigh*
^ Thanks for the correction. Though mine was in Korean, and it definitely wasn't spelled Froot Loops - so there! :)
Posted by
Teresa |
4:55 PM