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Wednesday, August 02, 2006 

I still don't have internet in my apartment yet. It's driving me a wee bit bonkers. All in good time though, I suppose. I'm in a PC Room right now. Peter Thompson is beside me. He's stopped by Seoul for a few days on his way back to North America. We're having a delightful time, alternating between having great and deep talks, and then bickering like we're brother and sister.

My boss called me this morning to let me know that the company was having a hard time finding a plane ticket for me. So now my departure date is supposed to be somewhere between August 26 and August 31. That's a bit disappointing, because I was hoping to be able to arrive on a Sunday so I could have more of my family meet me at the airport (and yes, I am aware of just how tiresome that could make my first 30 minutes in the country). Whatever, it'll all work out.

I also thought I'd post my new address for all that care.

Urim Bobo County View 431
Deungchyon-dong 649-14
Kangsuh-gu, Seoul, Korea

There you have it.

I feel all wonky right now. Everything has just been so not-normal or routine for so long. This week I don't have to work because there's another camp I didn't have to go to. Last week was camp. The week before I was moving and running around like the proverbial headless chicken to prepare for camp. Then, the week before THAT, I was sick as a dog with food poisoning. So that makes this the fourth week where things have been decidedly not routine. And while this is the only week I'm especially thankful for, I just can't seem to get my energy back. Last night I slept 13 hours, and that is remarkably unusual for me. I just don't know. It's strange.

I'm finally settled in my apartment. I'll take pictures of it soon and post them as soon as I get internet in my place. I'm getting more and more excited about my upcoming visit home. And besides that, I have absolutely nothing of interest to say.

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