When my cat has been shaved, he looks like a freaky cross between an old man and a baby bird. Throw in his black and white coloring, and there's the cow-esque appearance. It's both amusing and a little disturbing. Turns out that he woke up early from the anesthesia and they couldn't bathe him (or really entirely finish grooming him). He did manage to bite all those involved in the process, and injure the vet enough to require some bandaging on her thumb. He's been stumbling around like a drunky kitty since I got him home a couple hours ago. Despite it all though (the most severe of which I suspect to be the loss of dignity he has suffered) he is most upset about not having eaten yet today. Though I do suspect if he could see his poor naked belly in a kitty-mirror he might voluntarily skip a meal here or there. Poor thing. Pictures to come...I just don't feel well right now.