Yesterday I fell down...
and when I say "fell down," I don't mean "gracefully slipped" or "tripped and regained my footing." I don't even mean "caught myself with my hands before falling flat on my face and/or rear end." I mean, fell like an anvil from the sky, HARD, fast, and painfully heavy onto the floor. My roommate and I were sitting in the living room talking. She wasn't feeling well, so when her cell phone (in her room) started to ring, I offered to go get it. I stood up really fast, and took off. It was as I tried to turn the corner to get into her room that my socks started working against me, and I absolutely lost my footing. There's no way I can put into words just how hilarious it was. I fell FAST and I fell HARD. I am not even sure what I landed on, but my hands, knees, and rear end are all sore today, so that's a pretty good clue. I stayed in almost the exact spot for about 10 minutes, not because I was in pain, but because I was laughing. Even now, as I am thinking about it, I'm laughing hard enough that I almost can't type. I know you had to be there for it to be really funny, but trust me... it was great. I'm just glad my roommate got to see it - with slapstick comedy like that, it's best to be appreciated by someone other than yourself.
I have no scientific proof, but I swear that gravity pulls harder on Tucker genes. Val and I made Clark promise that if he should ever hear a CRASH at work (and he doesn't already have one or both of us in eyesight) he will come look for us. We nearly had an...incident...involving the restroom door once. It wasn't pretty. Anyway, just know that you're not alone-I spend more time than is normal picking my clumsy @ss up off the ground. Love you!!
Posted by
Jen |
2:45 PM
Stupid moment, I presume...
Posted by
JoAnna |
6:36 PM
Not only *a* stupid moment, but so far *THE* stupid moment to end and/or crown all other stupid moments. You should be proud. :)
Posted by
Teresa |
2:33 AM