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Sunday, July 16, 2006 


I'm pretty much all better now! Still some issues you don't want to know about, but the worst seems to be over. I actually feel human again! And that is a very good thing, because I am moving on Wednesday/Thursday and am not at all packed right now. Monday is a holiday here, so I'll have to spend pretty much all day packing in the un-air-conditioned heat of my apartment. My new apartment though.....SO SO SO nice! I can't wait till I can live there.

Anyway, I need to sleep now. Going to go exchange some clothes in the morning before I start packing. Thank you all for your encouraging comments and your prayers.

Before I go, one quick funny story. NamSoo is my boss' name. During one of the doctor's visits this week he had to go with me to translate some rather embarrassing information. When I was text-messaging one of my friends about this awkward conversation on my cell phone, the buttons on my phone weren't cooperating and so I accidentally typed and almost sent "NamPoo" which is incredibly ironic and funny to me, given the topic of what he had to translate. Seriously...it was when I was getting the first IV, and I was in this room by myself, and when I read "NamPoo" I just dissolved into a fit of giggles that was nearly impossible to suppress. I tried to laugh quietly though, because if the nurses had heard me, they probably would have assumed that the foreigner was sick AND crazy - a generalization I try to avoid whenever possible.

Glad to hear you're feeling a lot better. :)

I hope it isn't as hot there as it is here. Omigosh, the heat is suffocating. Me and my A/C are tight lately.

YIPPEE!!! She's better!! I prayed so hard that my mascara was underneath my eyes looking a bit like a racoon...Big hugs, GA mom

Okay, you and i must be from the same genepool...i mean really...i haven't blogged or read yours in quite some time and boy do I need to fill you in! I am currently broke, unemployed, at odds with my parents and in the middle of a medicine adjustment (so I don't kill myself and everyone around me...lol...i am kidding)...it's just been one of those years....plus i have another broken tooth and i think i reinjured my broken ankle...did i mention i was broke? like they say...life sucks then you die....im just a little p.o.ed at 'the church' right now...well, all this to hopefully let you see you are not ALONE at all...i'm right there with cha!

Love ya!
Stupid Moment Pal

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