Okay, so I moved. It was an unbelievably long night/morning. There was no one there to translate for the man from my job who was doing the directing, but luckily my friend MyungHo was there, and he helped me out in a HUGE way. It was pretty much total chaos because, while I had packed a lot, there was also a lot I had not packed. But the movers here have this big plastic bins, and they just pile stuff in, put them on the truck, and then empty the bins. More environmentally friendly than boxes, I guess, and easier for me in almost every way. In what was nearly a replay of a month and a half ago, once the movers showed up, I did almost no more work. I had put the cat in a kennel to keep him from escaping, but Daive hasn't run away in AGES as her separation anxiety is far too severe, so I figured it would be fine. And it's not fair that you all can see where this is going when I had no clue what was going to happen.
I was in the bathroom cleaning the cat litter box and then cleaning the bathroom. I came out, and I have no idea how long Daive had been gone before I realized that she was, in fact, gone. To be perfectly honest, I nearly had a panic attack. My apartment door was wide open, and the doors to the stairs (which are right beside my apartment) were wide open. I didn't know what to do. I ran out to the landing, and had one of those start-stop-start-stop jerky moments where I couldn't decide if I should go upstairs or downstairs. It was at that moment I was convinced I heard a yelp, and since traffic was downstairs, and Daive has history with that, I went down. I was clapping my hands, whistling, and calling her name. When I got to the third floor (one flight of stairs that felt nearly like a lifetime) Daive just came running out to see me, tongue hanging out and looking thoroughly amused and happy. I felt both relief and rage, and couldn't decide if I wanted to hurt her or hug her. In the end, I didn't hurt her of course, but the desire was there, behind the relief.
Anyway, now all my stuff is in the apartment below Adam and Beth's apartment, where Lis (the new teacher) is living. However, I'm not staying in that apartment, so they didn't put together my bed, and I can't unpack. It's not an entirely easy thing to pack for a trip when all my stuff is packed. I tried to pack to move wisely so I wouldn't have too much trouble, and so far it hasn't been too bad, but I have the distinct impression I'm going to forget quite a few important things. When I get back from the States, I might be moved into a new apartment...who knows.
Right now I need to run though - go to the bank and buy some US dollars, and go up to work and get a few things I forgot on Friday. The good news is, I leave in 10 hours! (The bad news is, I won't arrive for about about 37 hours. That's lots of travel time...but well worth it!)
Anyway, hope to be seeing lots of you soon!
Ah, a valuable lesson learned today: separation anxiety is only an issue when YOU leave. When Daive does the leavin' there's no pain. Well, for her. :) Try to call me when you get to Dallas, k? Love you!!!
Posted by
Jen |
12:30 AM
You have to BUY US dollars? I don't understand...=)
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:13 PM