Christmas Pictures!
Daive in her reindeer suit, unhappy because I made her lay down beside the tree (which isn't so stable when it is on the couch). She's cute though, isn't she?
This is Claude in his Santa suit, planning all the bad things he's going to do to me to get back at me for putting him in the suit and taking this picture.
This is Claude unable to do much but glare at me and writhe about, because the Santa suit is a bit too short for him. When he tried to walk, he generally ended up like this.
This is Claude seriously thinking about eating my hand (that I was waving above them to try to get them to look at the camera) and Daive thinking that I was going to use that hand to hit her.
"Gosh mom, aren't you finished yet?!" At this angle, the reindeer horns look a bit like devil horns. Hmm...
See, the really funny thing about all this is that if these were KIDS rather than pets, they'd still probably have turned out similarly. One kid picking his nose, one wanting to hit you while another thinks you're going to hit HIM... You have the cutest, fuzziest dysfunctional family in the East. :)
Posted by
Jen |
3:46 PM
Ahaha. Those are great! I don't think I'll ever get tired of pictures w/ cats in costume. I mean, dogs are good too, but they are willing to be humiliated like that. Cats? Not so much.
You should send pics to Stuff on My Cat. Even though he's already been on there, it's good stuff.
Posted by
Wendy |
3:08 AM
these pictures totally made my day!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:39 PM