My cat is James Bond
Have you ever noticed how some bloggers feel the need to put entirely unrelated and usually cryptic titles to their posts? I have never been able to understand it. I only did it here because it reminds me of a hilarious joke that, while extremely funny to me, would lose some of the humor if I tried to explain it.
A lot has happened in the past week. Remember a few posts back, when I said something about the next month or so holding a lot of changes for me? Turns out I was absolutely right about that.
I told my boss this past week that I'll be returning to the US when my contract is over. He asked if I knew anyone who would be interested in working there. Umm...yeah, not off the top of my head. And really, it's not the worst job in the world and I know that. But I don't know of any foreigners who would really LOVE working there.
By the way, my roommate got Vonage, and had her parents bring over the stuff for it. So it is now possible for all you North Americans to reach me in Korea dialing a US number. I'm not going to post the number here, because I just think it would be a little dumb. If you want it, leave me a comment and I'll email it to you. All I know is that it has absolutely changed my life. I spend WAY more time on the phone now than I did before. And there's no annoying/creepy echo like there usually is with the phone cards I used to have to buy. Nice.
I'll have to remember to post pictures of our Thanksgiving dinner from last week sometime soon. Beth and her mom prepared a feast, and we all went over there Wednesday evening. It was awesome. The food was so delightfully American. Made me happy.
I have more to say, but unfortunately am way tired. I'll try to post the Thanksgiving pictures tomorrow. It'll give you something to look forward to. :) Good night all.
Send me and the pups an update on life, and your number. I had another comment, and I can't even remember, I'm so sleepy. -H
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:38 PM
When does your contract run out?
Posted by
Wendy |
3:13 AM