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Monday, November 27, 2006 

Our Very Korean American Thanksgiving

Here's the spread. Colorful and exceedingly yummy. Seriously, my mouth waters a little bit right now just thinking about how yummy that food was. Emma and Owen at the kid's table. I actually ended up sitting with them most of the time...at the edge of the table, but still at the kid's table. It's where I'm most comfortable.

I love this picture so very much. It says so much about life here. Adam is doing the oh-so Korean thing...which we could call the peace sign, but to be honest I have no idea why Koreans do it. I was just told it is a V for victory. Anyway, regardless, it's all the time and all over the place. The point is, I love this picture.

From what I can tell, the food looks healthier than what I ate on Thanksgiving.
It sounds like you had a great holiday.

Thanks for sharing the pictures...I feel like I was actually there!

I enjoyed it too!! Thanks for the turkey...yummy! made great sandwiches too.

I love those pictures...wow, is there a lot of pink in our house, or what? I had no idea......

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