My sister just posted about her it inspiration, or my-cat-has-issues blogring, but now I'm going to share. I just cleaned out the litter box, as in the full change the sand and not just scoop the poop kind of deal. I got a new kind of litter, which managed to combine the horribly loud scratching sound of the last "crystal" kind with a smaller size, which enables many small balls to get stuck in the cat's paws and then let loose upon my floor (and my poor unsuspecting feet). I cleaned out the box last night, and in the three hours between the cleaning and when I fell asleep, I swear the cat visited the box six times. I *know* he could not have been going to the bathroom each time. So that, and the ridiculous amount of cat litter on my floor, leads me to believe that he was simply trying to share. I'm not sure what led him to believe that sharing the cat litter was necessary, but Daive certainly appreciates it. At least three times this evening I've caught her chewing on something (which I at first thought was a bug, then trash, and then a different and much scarier bug) which turned out to be one lone (and rather miniscule) piece of cat litter. Each time it was a red ball, which is quite rare (there are a few red and blue interspersed throughout the package that probably serve no purpose other than tricking the stupid humans into thinking they do something important) and especially confusing since dogs are supposed to be color-blind. That seems like the kind of thing that irritating show "Numbers" would be able to sit down and figure out the probability of. "The chances that the cat would scatter that many red balls of cat litter from the contained litter box AND that the dog would then be caught by the human trying to chew up four of them is roughly ten to the power of eighty-four." I really hate that show. It just seems to me like they're trying way too hard to come up with some original spin off the CSI-type show. Just give it up. CSI was good, but now there's three of them, an NCIS (which is CSI in the military), and a whole slew of other imitators not even worth mentioning. We have enough! Anyway, that's my rant for the night.
Tomorrow is a holiday - election day. I'm just glad because now all the freaky flatbed trucks full of campaign banners, freaky loud music, and really curious people doing a cheesy hand dance can all go away. These trucks have loud speakers, and people drive through the neighborhood giving speeches (no concept of noise pollution here). And it's never the politicians themselves... just their groupies. It's a sight that is just so strange to me that I can't help but stare. Then I feel bad, because they perform for me, and it's not like I can vote (or even understand what they're saying or who they're promoting). Anyway, take my word on it. After tomorrow life will be a bit less weird for me, at least in this small peripheral way.
I have cats as well and I know exactly how you feel!
If I may suggest however, there is a brand of cat litter called "Feline Pine" it's made up of pellets and has a pretty easy cleanup! The pellets turn into sawdust, all you have to do is scoop, shake the box a lil so the sawdust goes to the bottom, and you're done! The sawdust can be dumped into compost or into the trash, and it prevents smell too! (we have 5 cats...used to have 9) It may take a week or so for cats to get used to it though, so jsut mix it with old litter and gradually add more...
Thanks for lettin' me butt in :P
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:17 AM
Thanks for the tip. But do they sell it in Korea? Sadly, no. My choices of litter in Korea are: crystal (loud, but last longer than clay litter), and clay. It's actually quite difficult to find cat stuff here.
Posted by
Teresa |
1:15 PM