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Thursday, October 19, 2006 

Fall Into...

I've noticed this week two Western restaurants with the same bad English. It's a Korean thing, I know. But seriously...seems like someone in the ranks of these restaurants would have at least some kind of English ability to understand that these don't work.

At Bennigan's, where I went with a Korean co-worker on Tuesday, I read, "Fall in Love, Fall in Beer." Then, on the Sizzler I pass on my way to work, there was a banner that said, "Fall in Sizzler." Now...it is possible to fall in love, fall in beer, and fall in Sizzler. The first is pleasant, the second would be stinky, and the last embarrassing. While walking to work this morning I started thinking about this, and contemplating which would make the others easier. Theoretically one could do all three at the same time, if one happened to be at Sizzler, eyeing an attractive member of the opposite sex, and stepping/slipping in a puddle of beer.

And that's pretty much all I've got for tonight. Night.

BWA HA! That was prime comedy....hee!

HA!!! Hehehehe...you need help


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