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Monday, October 16, 2006 

I love Zydeco

I have had this headache since Saturday morning. Today is the strongest it has been, and I've taken Advil a few times, but it just won't go away. It lessened up a bit after I ate dinner. But it is still disturbingly strong and painful.

I know that the following will be considered too much information to some of you out there, and to those I apologize, and suggest you skip down to the next paragraph. Seriously, I have the worst PMS right now. Between the semi-cold and the PMS the weekend was not entirely pleasant. I don't get PMS like this but once or twice a year. I'm sore in far too many places, and Saturday I randomly cried twice for reasons I didn't understand then and still don't. And today was Monday. It wasn't a bad Monday...just draining and a bit mind-numbing. I spent almost 90 minutes tracing frog faces onto cardstock so I'll have a craft to make with my kindergarten classes tomorrow.

Anyway, so I downloaded a Zydeco CD from iTunes today, and then burned it onto a CD. I have spent most of the evening listening to that, and I ordered pizza tonight too. It has been a good night. Now, if only my head would stop throbbing. I'm going to go spend way too much time in the shower under the hot water and see if I can't steam the headache out.

I love zydeco, too. It makes you happy...or less angry, depending on the state of mind you start out in. :)

Hmmm.....Zydeco? What interesting things you find out about your friends...:)

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